Thursday, October 10, 2019

What is CBD?

CBD dates back thousands of years. As mentioned earlier, there is a large variety of chemical compounds found in the Cannabis Sativa plant, colloquially known as marijuana. Of these numerous compounds, there are two active chemical structures responsible for the plant's potential medical benefits. First is cannabidiol or CBD that doesn’t leave you feeling stoned like a drug addict. The second is tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC, which is the element that’s better known because of its capacity to make the users feel “high”. Unlike the latter, CBD is not psychoactive, so it allows you to reap its therapeutic effects without feeling like a junkie, which is an intoxicating feeling that goes hand in hand with THC.
Marijuana-derived CBD products or those that contain TCH may be more effective than fiber-rich hemp. However, if you live in a state that has not legalized medical marijuana, you can opt to utilize and benefit from products derived from CBD. With the current legality of cannabidiol unclear, it is prudent to check with your own state regarding what laws they have enforced for cannabidiol use.

How to Take CBD?

In the market today, there are many different forms of cannabidiol. People actually now have the freedom to choose what product they like to try. Hereunder are the most common kinds of CBD :
  • Oils and tinctures: These are good options for anyone who cannot take pills or capsule medication. The oils are usually crafted with CBD then place under the tongue with a dropper. The tiny capillaries and blood vessels found in the mouth enable the compound to be absorbed quickly.
  • Creams and lotions: CBD laden topical treatments are used for pain in the muscles and joints and for some skin issues like psoriasis and eczema.
  • Capsules and pills: These are taken orally to address many issues like seizures.
  • Edibles: Gummy candies are a popular way to take CBD.
  • Vape: CBD oil is used in vaping. It is vaporized then inhaled into the lungs and absorbed directly into the bloodstream, which delivers fast effects.

Effects of CBD

Reduce Mental Issues Using CBD

The intake of CBD has the capacity to produce antipsychotic effects. Antipsychotics treat psychosis, which is a mental state often associated with mental problems like bipolar disorder, anxiety, OCD ( obsessive-compulsive disorder), depression or schizophrenia. Taking CBD products results in a reduction of psychotic episodes and symptoms. These are often treated with a variety of pharmaceutical mediation that causes a lot of adverse side effects. But CBD is all-natural, with an ability to positively impact the brain’s receptors for serotonin, which is the transmitter that is responsible for regulating mood and behavior.

Pain Management Using CBD

One of the more positive effects of CB is the reduction of pain, so it is often used in pain management of chronic illnesses such as arthritic pain or the pain related to multiple sclerosis. The human body naturally produces endocannabinoids, which CBD easily binds to. This disrupts the endocannabinoid receptor activity in the brain resulting in less receptive pain neurotransmitters and a reduction in inflammation. As a result, there is less swelling and less pain.

Alleviate Cancer Related Symptoms

CBD is known to alleviate both symptoms caused by cancer, as well as reduce side effects that are brought on by cancer treatments such as nausea, vomiting, and pain. Some patients do not experience relief with their treatments, but the intake of CBD has been documented to help them feel better. Although more studies need to be made because of the wide scope of cancer, some measure of relief found in CBD is a god-send to many people who are suffering.

Provide Neuroprotective Properties

CBD is said to help those people with neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and even Alzheimer’s. The effect of CBD on the endocannabinoids and other brain system pathways has been known to inhibit, and at times even slowly reverse, the symptoms of these diseases. Protecting the neuropathways of the complex human brain is one of the most fascinating effects of CBD.

Fight Addiction using CBD

Ironically, CBD is known to help combat the effects of opioid addiction and even the addiction to smoking. Studies have shown that cannabidiol has the capability to modify pathways in the brain related to substance abuse and addiction. It has been known to reduce dependency on morphine and has nipped heroin seeking behavior in the bud.

CBD Promotes Heart Health

Cannabidiols are said to improve a healthy heart and a better functioning circulatory system. On top of that, it is touted to decrease the reading of those suffering from high blood pressure and prevent heart damage. The anti-stress and the anxiety-reducing elements found in CBD are said to be the reason for these positive outcomes.

CBD Side Effects

Though generally well accepted by the body and tolerated by the organ system, CBD can have some adverse reactions in a few people. The top three noted side effects are loose bowel movement, appetite changes, and the feeling of fatigue. CBD is also known to be contraindicated with some pharmaceutical drugs so be sure to discuss it with your doctor before you go down the cannabidiol route.
As with anything that is put in the body, it is your responsibility to thoroughly research and read up on CBDs should you decide to take this pathway of treatment. Since the acceptance of this product is fairly new, continuous research is being conducted and new discoveries are being made with each passing day regarding CBD use. So far, results from several studies indicate that CBD is a safe and natural treatment for many health issues whose power cannot be discounted.
According to the available information, there's good news here. Side effects for most people can use normal dosages of CBD with relatively minor side effects. However, if you have more severe medical conditions, you should proceed with caution.
More common side effects of CBD consumption include :
  • Dry-mouth
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability
  • Changes in appetite
  • Fatigue and sleepiness
Again, for most people, these side effects are relatively minor. According to the World Health Organization, CBD has little effect, if any, on cognitive function and appears to have no potential issues with dependence or abuse. This fact reiterates, again, that CBD is a very different substance than marijuana. It also means it can be consumed safely.
These side effects can be more problematic under certain conditions. For example, pregnant women are currently advised against taking CBD oil, as there has been a lack of studies that determine the safety of consuming CBD for a fetus. The same applies to nursing women, as it is currently unknown how CBD may affect a young infant. Nursing women can pass along many of the substances they consume to a baby - this is why they are typically advised to limit certain types of medication and alcohol.
Additionally, high doses of CBD consumption for those with Parkinson's Disease may worsen muscle tremors and movement - as such, CBD is not recommended for individuals with Parkinson's.
It is also worth noting that CBD can have negative interactions with other medications. For example, the Mayo Clinic has said that blood thinners can interact with CBD; this is because CBD can raise the levels of coumadin in your body. Additionally, there is some evidence to indicate that CBD consumption may be tied to an increase in specific liver enzymes which are indicative of potential liver damage. This does not mean that CBD can cause liver damage - it does mean, however, that people with liver damage should proceed with caution.
As such, as always, it is best to consult with a doctor or medical professional before ingesting CBD. They will know the specifics of your medical condition and be able to give you appropriate medical advice.
There are certain ways to minimize the side effects of CBD consumption, in addition to consulting with a medical professional.
First, consider discussing CBD use with people who have already consumed the same type of CBD as you. If possible, check with the seller of the drug to try and learn common reactions and side effects. While their advice is important, do not rely on what they have to say in lieu of talking with a trained medical professional.
Ease your way into the CBD consumption. Start with a low dose and make sure your body can tolerate it - gradually ramp up your dosage from there.
Put yourself in a position where you can potentially easily deal with any side effects. This means be somewhere where you can lie down, exit a situation to use the bathroom, get food, etc.
Consider starting consumption with ways that are longer acting (such as edibles or topicals) as opposed to quick-acting. This ensures that any negative side effects of CBD consumption will occur in a more gradual and less intense way.
Some individual side effects may be easier to avoid than others. For example, if you have an upset stomach as a result of CBD consumption, you may find that eating beforehand helps ease the issue. Conversely, you may realize you need to not eat. Either way, prepare your body to experiment to determine what works best for you.

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